Year 9 Drama
Students in Year 9 Drama have just finish working on using their Drama specific vocabulary by completing a Responding to Drama task. This started with students watching short films produced by Disney and trying to identify the different elements of Drama. Students engaged in class discussion about this and how to write using academic language in Drama. The next task students will be working on is planning, rehearsing and performing an interactive Drama experience ‘BHfest’ for our feeder primary schools.
Year 9 Music
Students have hit the ground running in Year 9 Music starting off by researching different music around the world. Students have started to apply this research to arranging different nursery rhymes using the software MuseScore 3. For the practical element this term, student are learning different instruments of a concert band and working on playing together as an ensemble. Students loudly began this process last week and have been having a lot of fun in Music!
Special Interest Music
Special Interest Music is in full swing, starting last week with the other ELH programs. The Choir focused on learning the work commissioned to celebrate 100 years of BHS ‘We See it All’ in the first week. The second week we broadened our repertoire by learning the song ‘Friend Like Me’ from ‘Aladdin”. Our Instrumental Group has doubled in size this year with 17 students signing up to participate. This ensemble is rebuilding its skills after losing some strong senior students over the past few years. We are focusing on basic ensemble skills and working as a team to support each other in our learning.
11/12 Drama
Senior Drama students have been working on analysis of written texts and how they can bring their directorial vision from inside their head to real life on the stage! They have also been looking towards starting their Senior Drama Production later in the term, ‘The Marvellous Mellow Melodrama of the Mislaid Minor’ which will be performed in Term 2 on 1st and 2nd of June, 6:30pm at The Balaklava High School Performing Arts Theatre.
‘Cats’ Information
Balaklava High School announced at the end of last year that the whole school musical for 2023 will be ‘Cats Young Actors Edition’. This will be performed in the Balaklava Town Hall in Term 4 on the 23rd and 24th of October. Rehearsals for this performance will be at lunchtime and during the Term 3 school holidays. Information for students will be given at the end of Week 4/early Week 5. If your child signs up for an onstage or offstage role, information will be sent home via EdSmart.
Suriya Umapathysivam