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To kick off the year, we must acknowledge new beginnings in 2025 at Balaklava High School.
Firstly, I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to our new Year 7 students and your families into our school community. You’ve just become a part of a school family that values learning, growth and striving to be your best and I know that you have an amazing team that will support your transition to High School life. I’m looking forward to popping into your classes over the new couple of weeks to learn along the way with you! Please join us on Thursday 20th February at 6pm for our annual Year 7 Meet and Greet evening.
We have many new students who have moved into our communities and are starting here at BHS for the first time. We are thrilled to have you and welcome you to our school.
We also welcome 7 new educators and staff to Balaklava High School and I would like to introduce and welcome them to our family.
- Mrs Donna Carpenter - Assistant Principal -Head of Junior School and teaching English.
- Miss Abhi Kaur - Wellbeing and Inclusion leader and teaching Maths.
- Mr Liam Marshall - Year 8 Homegroup and teaching Tech Studies, Home Ec and Agriculture.
- Miss Lisa Dewhurst - Year 9 Homegroup and teaching Art and Humanities
- Miss Sarah Wensley - Year 8 Homegroup and teaching Music/Performing Arts, English and Special Options.
- Mr Lloyd Cook - Year 10 Homegroup and teaching English and Modern History.
- Miss Seema Rani - Year Homegroup and teaching Science.
- Mrs Sam Wright – Finance Officer in the Admin team
We also welcome back Josh Jenner and Jess Daniel to the team for 2025.
New beginnings can be scary no matter if you are young or old! They can be daunting and incredibly confronting. So, my challenge to our student cohort is to make sure that our new family members are not only welcomed at Balaklava High School, but they are truly embraced. Create an atmosphere where everyone feels like they belong. Take the initiative to welcome new teachers and peers. A simple "hello" or a friendly gesture can go a long way. Remember, each one of you has the power to make someone's day brighter, and that's a superpower worth using every day.
Something that is very important to me is wellbeing. We can’t expect our students to achieve educational outcomes if they are not well and ready to learn. The journey of a successful school year starts with taking care of ourselves. It's not just about acing tests and exams and getting As; it's about finding balance, staying healthy and enjoying the ride. We encourage regular breaks, getting involved in activities you love and reaching out for support if required. We're here for each other and we are have a fantastic Wellbeing Team.
One of my expectations of our student cohort continues to be that they strive to be the best versions of themselves. It's important to remember that school is not about comparisons to other people and their capabilities; it's about personal growth and doing your best. Embrace challenges with enthusiasm, learn from experiences and celebrate achievements – big or small. Be kind to one another, support peers and create an environment where everyone can flourish. Imagine if each of us took a step every day to be a little better than we were yesterday – that's how we create a ripple effect of positivity throughout our school.
To our Year 12 students, I want to extend my best wishes. This is a big year and also a really exciting one. It’s hard to believe that in a little over three terms you will be completing your schooling journey and will set out into the wide world to begin adulthood. Year 12 is an audition to this adulthood and I encourage you not to waste opportunities, be prepared to sacrifice a little to achieve your goals and don’t put off until tomorrow what can be achieved today. You have some wonderful mentors in life, so I encourage you to use their resources to make this year count.
Site Learning Goal
Throughout 2024 we spent time as a staff engaging with the new Public Education Strategy and following the Learning as Improvement Cycle of Enquiry. We explored our local context, where we are as a school and where we want to get to in terms of improvement.
From this work, we have developed a site learning goal that will be our focus at BHS over the next 6 terms which focuses on community, resilience and resourcefulness.
“As a community, we will improve outcomes for every student at BHS by developing resilient and resourceful students.”
We look forward to rolling with work out across the site.
2024 SACE Results
It was another successful year for SACE results in 2024 with a 100% overall SACE completion rate – a testament to the hard work and dedication from both students and teachers. Congratulations to Madison Litzow who was the BHS Dux with an ATAR of 97.6, without bonus points. A phenomenal achievement Madison! Kiara Cowan was awarded a Merit for Agricultural Production and 3 students achieved A+ grades in Physical Education and Agricultural Production. Congratulations to each of these students and their teachers for these fantastic results. Other highlights with our 2024 SACE data include:
- 64.4% of all Stage 2 grades were As and Bs (up from 58% in 2022 and 61% in 2023).
- 100% of all Stage 2 grades were passing grades.
- 27.91% of all of our students who completed their SACE did so with a VET component.
Everyday matters in the school life of a young person. Each day of attendance has a positive effect on their development and future success. Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. Unless students have a negotiated individual learning program that takes their learning beyond the classroom and school grounds, students need to be at school and attending lessons to support them to gain the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to be productive citizens capable of shaping their world. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. Attendance at school contributes to a community that is well educated, healthier, employed, financially independent and more empowered. Young people who do not regularly attend school miss out on planned learning experiences, sequences of instructions and class participation. The impact of this loss is compounded with each absence.
Missing one day a week adds up to two weeks across a whole term. Over the six years of secondary school, this adds up to more than a year of school that is missed – essentially equivalent to only finishing Year 11. The impact on learning is serious. While we understand that students may be absent due to illness and that sometimes a family matter can require a short period of absence, we ask for your support in ensuring your child attends each school day.
Take a moment to study and absorb the following table which demonstrates the impact on learning across a child’s school journey from R-12.
Student Free Days and School Closure
We are currently working through our proposed Student Free Days and date of the School Closure which will be for the Royal Adelaide Show again in Term 3 due to the Yorke Peninsula Field Days being held in the holidays. Once these dates are set and approved, we will communicate these with families.
Parent Contribution
The old proverb ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ is most definitely true and we want our students at Balaklava High School to have access to as many opportunities, events and services as possible to allow them to thrive! Occasionally, this requires assistance from our parent body to ensure these opportunities are available or functioning to the best of their ability. Kev Kelly will be leading the reintroduction of a Parents and Friends group in 2025 where our school and parents can work hand in hand, for the benefit of our students and also as a support network. In addition, we will commence our AG Learning Centre Committee in Term 1 to utilise the expertise of our farming community and assist with the management of our farm such as weekend feeding.
Our school canteen provides an amazing service to not only BHS, but BPS as well. Assistance in the canteen is always required and welcome. Please pop in and see me for a chat or contact me via DayMap, email me at or call 88620600.
Governing Council AGM
The Governing Council is an important component of the school’s decision-making and consultative processes and it provides an opportunity for parents to be more strongly involved in school operations and to gain a deeper understanding of how the school functions. Our Governing Council’s AGM will take place on Tuesday 18th February 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Balaklava Community Library. Please consider nominating, or renominating, for the Governing Council, which has a crucial role in ensuring that the school is meeting the educational needs of the community. Please see the nomination slip for Governing Council below or you can access one by contacting the Front Office. We have a number of current Council members who are finishing their time on Governing Council and I thank them for their contribution to our school throughout their tenure. If you are not considering nominating for Governing Council, you are very welcome to come along to the AGM where information and reports will be shared.
School Photo Day
Communication is one of the key pillars of success in schooling and I encourage parents to contact teachers directly if you have a question, need to share information or if you have a concern. You can contact teachers via Daymap or phone the school on 8862 0600 and leave a message for them to call you back. The first point of contact should always be the subject teacher for class related matters, the Homegroup teacher for broader concerns or a member of the Leadership Team for more significant issues. Daymap is a place for parents to access crucial information including feedback on student work, absences, homework and other school related tasks and I encourage you to access the Parent Portal regularly. There are instructions on how to do this later in the newsletter and you can always contact the Front Office if you have any issues with access. Another form of communication is through social media and I invite all students and their families to like us on Facebook to keep up-to-date with school events and information.
There have also been some changes to the Leadership team this year and I encourage you to contact the relevant person when a need arises:
Derek Friedrichs |
Principal | |
Kev Kelly |
Deputy Principal – Curriculum & Pedagogy | |
Carena Brookes |
Assistant Principal - Head of Senior School |
Pina Ribbons |
Assistant Principal - Head of Middle School | |
Donna Carpenter |
Assistant Principal - Head of Junior School | |
Abi Kaur |
Senior Leader - Wellbeing and Inclusion | |
Ash Parsons |
Coordinator - Wellbeing, Engagement and Tailored Learning |
Ashleigh Leonello |
Coordinator - Student Support and Engagement | |
Amber Buick |
Coordinator - Mathematics/Numeracy |
Hannah Marshall |
Coordinator - Literacy, English/HASS | |
Luke Clarke |
Coordinator - VET and Future Pathways |
Elly Swift |
Business Manager |
Teaching Staff Email Addresses
Adam Collins | |
Lloyd Cook | |
Sally Cowan | |
Holly Crighton | |
Jess Daniel | |
Lisa Dewhurst | |
Melanie Evans | |
John Geddie |
Laura Hadley | |
Caitlin Hanson | |
Josh Jenner | |
Joshua La Grutta | |
Stacey Liao | |
Liam Marshall | |
Nicole Matthews | |
Sally McArdle |
Erica McGiffert | |
Bethany Monserrat | |
Tanya Niblett |
Hudson Noack | |
Louise O'Halloran |
Marc Padros l Baciero | |
Alison Parsons |
Seema Rani | |
Sarah Reusch |
Dylan Rolston-Howard | |
Kelly Schubert |
Alana Sharman | |
Lachlan Strudwicke | |
David Szular |
Richard Thomas |
Karyn Von-Zieden | |
Sarah Wensley | |
Support Staff Contact Details
Sheralyn Bond | |
Julieanne Brewster | |
Cherie Cmrlec |
Darryl Cott |
Charmaine Dos Santos | |
Deb Hughes | |
Trish Langdon |
Michael Mazzone |
Julie McNamara | |
Anthea Ness | |
John Page | |
Bronwyn Reichelt |
Neil Richards |
Barb Rodgers |
Morgan Simmie | |
Lucy Sutton | |
Elly Swift |
Di Taylor |
Gaynor Tink | |
Sam Wright | |
Zoe Yeates | |
As you may have seen, the start of next week is going to be a scorcher with the forecast around 40C for Monday and Tuesday. We will enact our Extreme Weather Policy and ensure classrooms are opened at breaktimes for students.
Please feel free to contact me here at school if you have a matter you wish to discuss regarding your child’s education. I understand that there are sometimes issues or concerns you wish to communicate and I also enjoy hearing about the wins and success stories.
I can be contacted via Daymap or email or you can phone the school on 8862 0600 to speak to me directly or to make a time to come and see me.
Derek Friedrichs
Balaklava High School
Accessing Daymap Connect for Parents:
Daymap Connect is the best way to stay informed and involved in your child's education. This secure online portal is an extension of our Daymap Learning Management System, used by teachers to share lesson materials, assessments, and end of term reports. It has taken a little longer than usual to get our new families online and we thank you for your patience.
Through Daymap Connect, you can:
- Monitor progress: Track grades, assignments, and overall performance.
- Stay informed: Access attendance, behaviour, and school announcements.
- Be involved: View upcoming events and end-of-term reports instantly.
- Connect directly: Send and receive messages with teachers and your child responsibly (remember, school hours are for learning!).
Accessing Daymap Connect:
Each parent receives a unique login and password for secure access. Parents can access the portal using the link below, from the Balaklava High Schools website or via the mobile application.
New or inactive accounts should click "Forgot Password" and enter the email address you provided to the school along with your student's ID code (this can be found on your child’s Daymap portal under “My Details”). If you need more support or encounter an error, please contact the school.
Date: Thursday, 20th February
Time: Starting from 8:50 am until lunchtime
Company: AdvancedLife
Ordering Information:
- Order Envelopes: Distributed to all students. If a student was absent, their homegroup teacher will have their envelope.
- Photos are required for student ID cards, even if no photo order is desired.
- Online Orders: No need to return the order envelope. Use the online advancedorder web portal with the school's 9-digit online ordering code.
- Online orders due by Wednesday 19th February
- Cash Payments: Families paying with cash must return the order envelope on photo day. Please note, no change will be provided for overpayments.
Family Photos:
- Time: During lunch
- Family / sibling envelopes: Available from the front office or can be ordered online using the 9-digit online order code
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to call.
Cherie Cmrlec
Greetings to new and existing Balaklava High School families for 2025. Our approach to billing and the distribution of important start of year information looked a little different this year, with a welcome email being sent to majority of our families just prior to Christmas. Included in this email was the following:
- Outcome of the M&S Poll and school fee information
- A refresher on policies
- Stationery requirements
- Health Care Plans
- An introduction to QKR
- House team shirts – order form
- ID cards and annual school photo consent
- Crucial ICT and Laptop Agreement updates.
If you haven’t yet found or responded to this email, please contact our Front Office so that we can support you through the process. Consent via this form is required prior to students accessing laptops or having their photo taken for ID cards and annual school photos.
In order to give students and families and chance to settle in to life at BHS and to allow for last minute enrolments, transfers and subject changes to occur, invoicing of the 2025 M&S Fee will happen in the coming weeks. Invoices will also be raised for students attending the 2025 Canberra Trip and the Year 12 Camp. These will appear on your statement, which will be mailed to families soon.
Below is a copy of the approved 2025 Fee and any associated subject levies, keeping in mind that full fee paying families will be eligible for the $200 government rebate, per student. This will appear as a credit on your statement and will be cancelled, if you are eligible for School Card.
If you require a payment plan for school fees or camps, please reach out to the Finance Team and we can support you through this. Generally, camps will need to be paid in full prior to the departure date but this will be a case-by-case basis.
School Card applications are open for 2025!
School card is available in government schools for:
- families with children attending school full-time who are aged 4 years and over
- independent full-time students in year 10, 11 or 12
- adult re-entry students who are completing their SACE.
To qualify for a School Card, your family’s gross income must be below a certain limit, which depends on how many dependant children you have.
The income limits for applications lodged in 2025 are based on your family’s gross income in 2023-24.
Find out more:
If you have any questions, please reach out.
Elly Swift – Business Manager
08 8862 0623
Term 1 is our busiest time of the year for School Sport Carnivals with the first event being our annual School Swimming Carnival held on Friday the 7th of February (Week 2) at Balaklava Swimming Pool.
2025 BHS Swimming Carnival
Our 2025 Swimming Carnival will have a similar structure to the 2024 event, with some slight modifications as we transition back to full 50m events with the growth of a swimming culture in our community.
We will again run our House Challenge activity in the morning for students that do not wish to compete in the stroke events to earn points for their house. This year’s House Challenge will run in sub schools for lesson 1. Students at school will then head to the pool at 10am.
The morning session at the pool will include the 25m Butterfly, 50m Backstroke and 100m Freestyle events. After recess will be the 50m Breaststroke, 50m Freestyle, 4 x 25m Medley Relay, 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay, Novelty events and the 50m Freestyle Handicap race. Students that wish to compete in the stroke events for participation only and not be considered for Interschool selection have the option to ‘opt out’ at 25m.
The House Relay will again feature this year where each House supplies two teams comprising of 1 x teacher, 2 x students and 1 x parent/family member/ex-student. If you are interested in competing in the House Relay, make sure you pack your bathers!
The school canteen will be available for students to order food by QKR (pre-ordered) which will be delivered to the pool. BBQ, food and drink will also be available for purchase at the pool. Keep an eye out on the School’s Facebook page in Week 2 for more details. Entry into the pool for all students is $2 and will be collected in morning Homegroup. Payment has already been received from some families via QKR and EFT.
Top performers from our Swimming Carnival will be selected in the Interschool Swimming Team who will compete in the Lower North Zone Swimming Carnival on Monday Week 4, 17th February 9 am – 2:30 pm. Students selected in this team are expected to participate as per the School Sport Participation Policy, unless they have a medical certificate exempting their participation or a reasonable excuse that has been communicated with myself in a timely manner. A copy of the School Sport Participation Policy can be found in this edition of the newsletter along with information on the selection process of our School Sporting Teams.
Students selected in the Interschool Swimming Team will also be offered the opportunity to compete in the School Sport SA Secondary Swimming Championship at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre as an individual entry. The Individual Day will be held on Thursday Week 5, 27th February, please contact Caitlin Hanson for further information if your child is interested in competing.
EdSmart Email Consent for 2025 BHS Swimming Carnival and Swimming in HPE lessons Week 2
On Wednesday morning, all families should have received an EdSmart email to consent for their child/ren to attend the 2025 BHS Swimming Carnival and Swimming in HPE lessons for Year 7-10 students in Week 2.
Due to recent changes to Department rules, parent consent must be given any time students leave school grounds. Therefore, for students to attend the Balaklava Swimming Pool, consent must be gained.
If you have not done so already, please complete the consent form so that your child/ren can leave school grounds and attend the Balaklava Swimming Pool. Even if your child/ren do not wish to participate in any swimming activities, they will still need to have consent in order to leave school grounds and be at the swimming pool. This is particularly important for Swimming Carnival as there will be no teaching staff on site after recess on Friday Week 2 and all students that attend school must be at the pool.
If you require a hard copy consent form to be sent home with your child, please contact the front office.
Swimming in HPE lessons
Year 7-10 students will be swimming during their HPE double lesson during Week 2 (Tuesday to Thursday). See the timetable below to check when your child/ren will need to bring their bathers, towel and $2 for pool entry.
Tuesday Wk 2 |
Wednesday Wk 2 |
Thursday Wk 2 |
L 1/2 |
Mrs Parsons 7A |
Mr Noack 8B Mr Padros 8C |
Mr Padros 8A |
L 3/4 |
Miss Hanson 9A Mr Padros 8D |
Mr Noack 10A Miss Hanson 10B Mr Jenner 10C |
L 5/6 |
These lessons provide students the opportunity to practice in preparation for Swimming Carnival, build confidence in the water and be physically active.
You should have received an EdSmart email with the consent form for your child/ren to leave school grounds and attend the pool. If this has not been returned your child will remain at school under alternate supervision and complete an alternate learning activity. Please contact the front office if you require a hard copy consent form to be sent home.
House Shirts
House coloured polo shirts are available to purchase from Tads Embroidery for students to wear for House Carnivals as well as making an excellent top to be worn for practical PE lessons. Tops are $30 each and can be personalized with your child’s name or nickname for an extra $12. Shirts are ordered directly through Tads Embroidery Balaklava. Please contact Caitlin Hanson if you have any questions or require further information.
Important Sports Dates
Friday Week 2, 7th February: BHS Swimming Carnival, 8:50 am – 3:15 pm @ Balaklava Swimming Pool
Monday Week 4, 17th February: Lower North Zone Swimming Carnival, 9 am – 3 pm @ Clare Town Swimming Pool
Thursday Week 5, 27th February: School Sport SA Secondary Swimming Championship, 9 am – 2:30 pm @ SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Marion
Friday Week 6, 7th March: BHS Athletics Carnival, 8:45 am – 3:15 pm @ Balaklava High School
Thursday Week 8, 20th March: Lower North Zone Athletics Carnival, 9 am – 2:30 pm @ Burra
Tuesday Week 11, 8th April: School Sport SA Secondary Athletics Championship, 9 am – 2:30 pm @ SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End