Community Library
The Balaklava Community Library is a joint use Library for Balaklava High School students and people living in and around Balaklava. It is a free service provided jointly by the Public Libraries Board, Wakefield Regional Council and SA Department for Education and Child Development.
SA library customers can use any public library across SA with a single card, and have access to over 4 million items. The ‘one card’ network connects more than 130 public libraries across the State and provides convenient access for the whole community to the entire public library collection.
To get the quickest access to the millions of items available, simply search our online catalogue and reserve the item you want – it’s easy and free!
To view our online catalogue go to:
Phone: 0438 086 006
When your item(s) become available they will be delivered to your preferred library and you’ll receive a notification.
Balaklava Community Library has kiosk computers designated for catalogue browsing.
Ask our friendly staff for assistance.
Our Collection
- Adult Fiction & Non-Fiction
- Adult Large Print
- Audio Books
- Magazines & Newspapers
- DVDs & CDs - restrictions apply
- Teen Fiction & Graphic Novels
- Children’s Picture, Board, Fiction & Non-Fiction.
Our Services
- Free Wi-Fi
- Friends of the Library
- Book Discussion Group
- Computer Access - Lessons available
- Home Library Service
- Meeting room - Subject to availability
- Public toilet and baby change facilities
- Children’s Programs
- All at no cost to you!
*Photocopying and printing also available for a small fee.